Thursday, April 8, 2010


 How on Earth did I catch a cold when the weather has been at least 75 degrees or above?!  Um, from my Daddy!  Him visiting was awesome, but he could've definitely kept this!  I felt so awful today, just stuffy and bad enough for it to bring me down.  I haven't worked out yet.  But I just changed my clothes.  I am going to do a DVD or On Demand ExerciseTV video...haven't decided yet.  My workout yesterday was lackluster as well...I need to get better and get better QUICK!  I definitely do not want any setbacks!

Uggggghhhhhhh - this is exactly why I should be taking my multivitamin everyday!


  1. Awww, I'm sorry you caught a cold. Hope you feel better soon! :)

  2. Oh man...I sure hope you are feeling better soon! In the meantime, don't be too hard on yourself - allow your body the rest it needs to recover. Hopefully a restful weekend will be all it takes!

  3. Dude...I'm sick as a DAWG myself....sorry you caught it, too. If you feel up to it, pop over to my blog and let me know your weigh-in today...or maybe tomorrow. Feel better girl!

  4. Hope you feel better chick. Get lots of Rest!
