Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mini Goals for the Week (3/18 - 3/24)

It seems like I say this every post - but THANK YOU LADIES!  I got such wonderful encouragement on my weigh in and your feedback was AWESOME!  Melissa (visit her blog here) said something that triggered my new mini goal...that she gets the best results when she (among other things) limits her sugar/carb intake. So to try to increase my weight loss, or at the very least continue to lose at least 1 lb per week I shall heed that advice.  I realize that out of my 5-6 fruits/veggies per day 4-5 are fruits.  This week I plan to have only 2 fruits per day maximum and fill the rest with vegetables.  I think I may be consuming too much sugar.  And I plan to WILL drink 6 glasses of water per day. summary here are the goals:
  • Increase workouts from 30 minutes to 45 minutes (minimum)
  • DRINK 6 GLASSES OF WATER PER DAY!  (okay - seriously - this has been on the list every friggin week...I better just do it this week)
  • Limit sugar & carb intake/have at most 2 fruits per day.
I have to thank Trina @ MeSoHongry for getting me started with mini-goals; Her "Cute as a Bunny" challenge initiated it.  Otherwise I don't know that I would sit down and evaluate each week to see where I can make improvement.  I'd probably just float along and adjust things daily.  I see there are other bloggers that set mini-goals as well.  What are some of yours?  We can all borrow from each other!


  1. Hey I got your comment on my blog. I went and bough the knock off shapeups at kmart. I dont know if you have one near by but they are on sale for 20 dollars right now!! I call that a bargain!!

  2. Sound like great goals! :)
    You can do it!!!

  3. You can totally do those goals. I think that continually reevaluating what is working and what you are enjoying is so smart.
